Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby Spartan

I love to watch sports, I always have.  I get this from my dad, who I have been watching sports with my whole life.  It is one of my favorite things to do, and if I had the choice to pick one person to watch a game with (so long as it wasn't UM vs. MSU, haha) it would surely be my dad.  I have learned a ton about sports from him over the years and have always enjoyed that bond.  To this day we regularly discuss what's going on in the sports world, what our teams are doing that we like, dislike, etc. etc.  When it comes to sports, there is no opinion or view point I value more than my dad's.  In the sports world, I was raised a UM fan... I was die hard, my dad is die hard.  This all changed in August of 1999 when I moved into my dorm at MSU.  I remember thinking to myself that it may be hard for me to root for MSU, after all the years of rooting for UM and against MSU (gasp!).  My first football game at Spartan Stadium was on a Thursday night vs. Oregon (a dramatic late MSU win), the second I got into my seat in the student section everything changed.  I was a Spartan. My blood had turned Green. 

I remember the day Andi and I met we had a surface level conversation, just getting to know each other, I remember her telling me she went to MSU and thinking "man, everything seems perfect, AND she went to MSU!!" Over the years we have enjoyed watching Spartan sports together, along with our Spartan friends and family.  We have long discussed the day when we would be able to dress up a little Spartan in MSU gear and watch games with him or her... About a week before we had Claire, I half jokingly told Andi, "I would love it if the baby was home by February 5th, that way I can watch the MSU/UM bball game AND the super bowl with our baby!"  Well this rather silly wish did in fact come true, and we got to watch my first MSU game with our beautiful daughter Claire on Sunday, Feb. 5th. I hope over the years we can watch many games together, just like I always have with my mom and dad.  One thing is for sure, she will be raised to fight for the only colors, Green and White!  Since she was born we have watched 3 MSU basketball games, granted she has slept through them all...we'll work on that.  Claire is a perfect 3-0, with wins over UM, Penn State, and Ohio State (on the road, a big win!).  Claire surely proves that girls look great in Green and White!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, this sweet pea may be able to convince her papa... well, maybe not, but she sure is sweet in the Green & White!
